Message: e.DIGITAL ANNOUNCEs Licensing and

depends on the meanings of the following....

LG ELECTRONICS USA--(no name mention) FlashR/Xlicense certain patents

CASIO AMERICA-- all foreign and domestic patents including FlashR/Xlicense

NIKON--(no name mention) FlashR

OLYMPUS AMERICA-- all foreign and domestic patents including FlashR

SANYO NORTH AMERICA-- (no name mention)FlashR

AVID ELECTRONICS-- (no name mention) FlashR/Xlicense certain patents


1. AVID and LG have similar arrangements...

2. Nikon and Sanyo have similar arrangements...

3. Casio has a particular arrangement...

4. Olympus has a piticular arrangement...

Between the four arrangements above.....they are all indifferent arrangements, where there is a one time settlement amount noted for each. However, to me there is clearly a difference between Casio, Olympus and the rest of them with regard to e.Digitals supplied IP.

IMO, FlashR is not the whole ball of wax where 4 of them settled on just that account.


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