Message: e.DIGITAL ANNOUNCEs Licensing and

So, what will the "NEW" board look like? Will you be the El Presidente, emperor, crown prince and ruler forever? Will there be any place for the "little people" or will us mere mortals be forced to seek shelter at Raging Bull. I will tell you a story and I hope all will heed what I am saying - I bought my first share of e.Digital in Jan 1998 and have held this stock in varying amounts ever since. I have attended 3 shareholder meetings and visited e.Digital's HQ at least a dozen times. I am long - period. I periodically find myself posting things that I know, or believe, to be true only to be met with the basher label. What a crock. When you have a board where only the hypsters can post you will have a board with zero credibility and zero influence on new investors of consequence. To make a valid investment decision one must do their own DD. This includes examining the warts as well as the surgically enhanced breasts. So, go ahead and turn this board into a meaningless, no impact sounding board for the hypsters, but you will do it without me. I will not, however, be thrown off the board I have participated in for so long without a fight. You will have to get Agora to ban me. What will the forum become when anyone with a dissenting opinion is no longer allowed. I know, how about a glee club. Yeah, that's the ticket. A freakin' glee club...

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