Message: e.DIGITAL ANNOUNCEs Licensing and

Dean, you are taking what I posted totally out of context and I must challenge you on it. I did not accuse anyone on this forum of being a hypster. What I said was "When you have a board where only the hypsters can post you will have a board with zero credibility and zero influence on new investors of consequence." Please don't misrepresent what I said. I know you truly believe that only positive, uplifting posts should be allowed. As I said, we agree to disagree. I will, however, continue to contend that you have no more right to your opinion than I do to mine. I can tolerate yours - I am wondering if you can tolerate mine or anyone else's for that matter. We need to discuss our investment not sit around on straw mats in a cross-legged position chanting about it. Perhaps that is a bad analogy but that is the way it appears at times. Just one last point, I have seen Sunpoop, one of the longest longs I know, ready to rip RP's lips off in the past. He posted his frustrations, we all listened, and then we got back to the business of serious discussion. That is what this forum should be in my opinion.

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