Message: e.Digital Announces Licensing and Settlement Agreement with Olympus

Re: DABOSS-giants...

posted on Apr 02, 2009 06:27AM

You say...

"My rush out the door last night for some good German food and beer (priorities ya know) made me misread the SAMSUNG post from Silver. Initially it looked like a settlement ..but it isn't."

So are you saying that your brain?, or your eyes, played trick on you because you were thirsting for beer, and misread SILVERSURFER'S post concluding that SAMSUNG HAD "SETTLED THE CASE WITH EDIG?...

And was it after guzzling enough beer that you discovered you were wrong, or was it after I explained that there was no "Settlement" with Samsung and the PACER merely disposed of DISCOVERY MOTONS filed by the defendants and the case in chief was still alive?...

And FINALLY, you give us your balderdash opinion as follows!?:...

"this Markman thingy for what I one here gets it..especially GIL...but I could be wrong"...

You have the audacity to come onto this Board, plaster the place with your rapid fire garbage, pretend to ask questions, and then continue with few hundred more posts full of gibberish, maligning those who try to help you along by answering your questions...

If you had any decency you would ask further questions that made sense. And end up being enlightend by members of this Board who are very tolerant of those who have no hidden agenda and truly seek ANSWERSto legitimate questions instead of making a blanket pronouncment that "no one gets it here..especially Gil"....

Good Luck to you, and I hope for the sake of AGORA you get banned soon by AGORA...


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