Message: Multiple Items...

Multiple Items...

posted on May 05, 2005 07:30AM
First and most important...HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL!!

Second, Happy Birthday Mexico. All illegals please go home and celebrate (but spend those $20B+ greenbacks you made here over the last year on presents BEFORE you go!).

Third, well done Trillium. That figures out pretty good. The key is the returned units and Wencor order mods that resulted.

Fourth, Buy Out. I worked a bunch of figures on this the other day, calculating with various premium percentages and all. Price in toto could be from ~$27M (at ~16 cents/share, no premium) to ~$300M (at ~16 cents a share plus a 1000% premium). You can go from there....

Last, reasons for EDIG silence. As I had (thought possible but unlikely and) said the other day - because they`ve had nothing much to tell us. Kinda tough for EDIG to come out with a PR saying we got CanJet and Icelandic, but no sales because of returns from Ryan and Jetsgo.... Wencor silence may just be because current ``workers`` on IFE are over-taxed (maybe performing prior duties concurrently till IFE positions are filled). I plan to shoot off my resume to `em today so maybe I can help alleviate that problem (and construct better worded PRs!).

And Flash, about that FL-B post, I think he was just funnin` with ya with no evil intent. If you were Buster Crabb, we wouldn`t want you driving cuz you`d have to be over a hundred years old (though Buster probably would have been capable of it anyway)! (The ``j/k`` at the end of his post meant ``just kidding``, I believe). None of my bee`s wax, but thought you deserved a response from someone sense you sounded ``irked``.

Low volume and no movement today. After what I said above re: EDIG PRs; think we`d get one for a big order (where the order couldn`t be filled by customer returns)?

And I KNOW nuttin`!


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