Message: BOW just can't seem to get the court's message. The court kicked


I have an old AF buddy who lives in Salt Lake City. We were both discharged in 1957 and we've visited each other a number of times. Let's call him Bob (mainly because that's his name).

Bob is and always was an outspoken critic of the hold the LDS church had on the economic and political activities in Utah and surrounding states like Idaho. When I first visited SLS in the early 60's, Bob gave me the requisite tour around the city. It was "verrrry interrrrestink" (as Arte Johnson used to say), especially the part where Bob said Joseph Smith was, "nothing but a horse thief". At that point, upon summoning all my powers of inductive reasoning, I concluded that Bob had an issue with the church...or they had an issue with him. Whatever, Bob was one dissatisfied ex Morman. :>)

If BOW is a Morman, would the Utah Federal Courts be impartial ? Your guess is as good as mine.

Forty five years ago, as Bob would put it , the church was somewhat dictatorial in it's treatment of non- Mormans. According to him, unless you held membership, You were relegated to 2nd class citizenry. Remember, this was his take....not mine. Things might be different today. In fact they might not have been as bad as Bob said they were, either.

I enjoyed visiting Bob but the best part of the visit took place in the Tabernacle. I was hoping to hear the Choir but the timing was wrong. Instead I heard an organ recital. Now that's some kind of experience. That instrument is unbelievably beautiful in both it's tone and its range of dynamics. I'd recommend it to anyone who has the ear to appreciate it.

Oops..didn't intend to go on so.

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