Message: Digecor COO talks about e.Digital legal spat

In addition to damages, the company wants "acknowledgment that we had an order in place, and they [e.Digital] were selling their players when they couldn't deliver ours. Getting that recognition would be one of the emotionally gratifying aspects".

Wow, sounds like they're ready to completely throw in the towel on collecting monetary damages! Funny how the COO says "their players" and "our [players]" as if they were the same model. We weren't going to give him eVues to replace his 5500s.

But the guy did say "couldn't" instead of "wouldn't", which is no small thing. He's recognizing we were unable to deliver because of the manufacturer's issues (maybe with a contribution from BOW).

At this point it's really stunning to read that Wencor's is hoping for an "acknowledgement that we had an order in place" so they could get an "emotionally gratifying aspect" to the end of this case.

I have no idea what this case is worth on share price, if anything, but it is very "emotionally gratifying" to me to realize that Wencor sees they have lost.


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