Message: Re: Status of EDIG's counterclaims

Apr 24, 2009 11:24AM

Apr 24, 2009 11:34AM
Apr 24, 2009 08:35PM
Apr 25, 2009 10:32AM

With all of EDIG's counterclaims dismissed (either by request or as a ruling by the judge), I think the best trial outcome EDIG can hope for is to pay the approximately $100K for the batteries and 26 defective units which they expected to pay, have digEcor's remaining counterclaims denied and all Parties pay their attorneys' fees. If digEcor loses big and the judge wants to send a message to them for filing this suit, it’s possible he’ll make digEcor pay EDIG's attorney fees and costs since that is listed under their Prayer for Relief found in Doc 7. But I'm not counting on it.


Wherefore, e.Digital prays for judgment against digEcor as follows:

1. Dismissing each and every claim in digEcor’s Complaint, with a declaration that digEcor take nothing against e.Digital thereunder;

2. For a declaration that e.Digital is not in breach of any agreements with or any rights of digEcor, or is enjoined from marketing its eVU design in any market; [This is a given IMO]

3. For costs and attorneys’ fees incurred herein; and

4. For such other and further relief as the Court deems is just and proper.

Apr 26, 2009 06:23PM
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