Message: Reminders (OT)

Reminders (OT)

posted on May 20, 2009 09:16AM
  1. If you cannot say something nice, do not say anything at all.
  2. Do not make me get up!
  3. Enough is enough!
  4. Go play outside! It is a beautiful day!
  5. I hope someday you have children just like you.
  6. I am not going to ask you again.
  7. Life is not fair.
  8. No child of mine would do something like that.
  9. Nobody asked you
  10. Say that again and I will wash your mouth out with soap.
  11. Watch your mouth!
  12. Who died and left you boss?
  13. Who do you think you are talking to?
  14. Who taught you that? You did not learn that in this house!
  15. You do not always get what you want. It is a hard lesson, but you might as well learn it now.
  16. You kids are trying to drive me crazy!
  17. Be good.
  18. Do you live to annoy me?
  19. Do not make me come in there!
  20. Do not you have anything better to do?
  21. Go to your room and think about what you did!
  22. I do not care who started it, I said stop!
  23. I will treat you like an adult when you start acting like one.
  24. I am going to give you until the count of three...
  25. It is no use crying over spilt milk.
  26. I have had it up to here with you.
  27. Leave your sister (brother) alone!
  28. Some day you will thank me for this. SMACK!!!
  29. Watch your language!
  30. When you have kids of your own you will understand.
  31. Who said life was going to be easy?
  32. Why? Because I said so, that is why!
  33. You are getting on my last nerve.
  34. Your father is going to hear about this when he gets home!
  35. You are the oldest. You should know better.
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