Message: See What I Get -

See What I Get -

posted on Jun 05, 2009 06:52PM

Robert I’m a long-time shareholder and I am emit on which is your companies most respected stock forum; Would you answer my questions in your best possible allowable way, so to convey something to us. This would be great since your web-site, letters, and our media attention is lacking considering everything happening.

*Why hasn't Management given shareholders updates on feedback regarding customer satisfaction of our IFE products out in the field... Where might we look to find it?

*Would a laptop be considered portable/handheld per our 774 patent for removable flash memory.

*Give one example of how an x-licensing deal might look.

*Is an eVU Kiosks a possibility to target the general population for leisure?

*Will the pending encryption patent utilize our current MicroOS patent/s as a foundation?

*Is our MicroOS the primary reason the eVU battery is able to achieve such superior power retention. If so how? in layman’s terms

*Do the cross-licensing deals go beyond just the use of their IP in our eVU, i.e.,. benefit us on future platforms/devices using their patents/IP and cooperation?

*Could we elect to work with a company rather than sue them for our mutual benefit?

*If we pursue 108-445 Tier 2 infringers will internal flash memory on pc's become involved?

*Since our TDL-data loader is Ethernet and eVU is a closed turn-key system; is our OS working with a higher OS which can be coupled to a partner’s wireless network or kiosks?


Tim XXXX, Paducah, Ky

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