Message: Re: Pacer: Digecor

Re: Pacer: Digecor

posted on Jun 08, 2009 02:56PM

JEFOTHER , I believe e.DIGITAL and digEcor are in Transfer of causes to and from the competition appeal tribunal PHASE.

32A.4. -(1) Where -

(a) the party at whose request the transfer was directed; or

(b) in proceedings in which the transfer was directed by the Tribunal at its own initiative, the party who initiated the proceedings, fails to comply with the requirements of rule 32A.3(1) or (2) (motion for further procedure and lodging of process), he may, within seven days after the expiry of the period specified in rule 32A.3(1), apply by motion to be reponed.

(2) The party enrolling a motion under paragraph (1), where the failure is a failure to lodge a process under rule 32A.3, shall on enrolling the motion, lodge such a process and shall apply by motion for an order for such further procedure as he desires.

(3) A motion under paragraph (1) shall be granted only on cause shown and on such conditions, if any, as to expenses or otherwise as the court thinks fit.

Jun 08, 2009 03:36PM

Jun 08, 2009 08:41PM
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