Message: My message to RP

In your Heart of Hearts you KNOW that there will be a response from RP, and it may be even a little longer thatn his usual "PAT ANSWERS", but there will be nothing "Substantive" in terms of "responding" to LL's post...

This is so much dejavu that people are even dragging out posts they made several years ago. Everytime the shareholders have tried, individually, or collectively, to ilicit detailed ANSWERS to lists of question they have propounded to RP, they get his number 14(b) reponse alluding to some past or a future PR. That is his job, and he does it well...

THERE IS NOTHING IN THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ACT that mandates RP enagage in POINT-COUNTER-POINT detailed discussion with any shareholder, or groups of shareholders, about their perceived grievences. His job is to keep the doors open any way he can, and that includes an effort to keep shareholders "Happy"...

When he is asked to answer specific questions raised, which might be percievd as divulging some company facts, he must comply with SEC. RULES by doing so in the form of a PR available to the "PUBLIC" so all will have access to such information...

The best thing we can expect is to have everyone give a thumbs up to LL's post and hope that will get RP'S attention and generate some PR sooner than if the letter was not written...


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