Message: My message to RP

I'm only going to chime in once on the past 24 or 48 hours or so conversation.

If you think EDIG's best days are behind, SELL.

If you think the best days are ahead, either BUY or HOLD based on your current level of disposable / investable income (of which I wish I had more at these levels).

Those are your three options. Either you have enough faith and trust that the current management and DM know what they are doing, and you will be rewarded as a shareholder, or not.

Only ONE 'settlement' alone could leave the company with more CASH per share than today's closing price.

It's fine to ask questions regarding the company, and to ask them directly to management, but asking questions which can not be answered without violating rules regarding timing of the releasing of information and then berating the respondant for not being 'forthcoming' is not the mark of a shareholder who has done enough (and continuing) DD before making an investment into a company, or evaluating a current position.

Should we expect DM to release their strategy here because someone wants to know?

Should we expect EDIG to disclose, in full detail, all the negotiations of the settlements to date?

If you want to perhaps have some 'advance' knowledge, try sitting in the court room during the trials, then form an unbiased opinion of how the judge will rule.

So, again, are EDIG's best days ahead us or behind us?

That is the continous analysis an investor must make based on information that can be released.

It's up to you to make the correct choice for your situation based on your view of the information available, and not to complain about lack of disclosure about legal or business strategies.

I doubt the management is looking to sell their shares at $0.01745 per share to fund their retirements... why would you think they are actively trying to make the stock worth less?

I may be sounding too much like bossman, but, to quote another poster, "it's finance, not romance".

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