Message: 10K

Your post really surprised me...Do you think when I go home I put on my EDIG pajama's and put my head down on my EDIG pillow case??? I'm an investor, and when I see a great report come out with no move in the PPS that gives me great concern...And if it doesn't for you then thats your problem...

You said "EDIG could do ZERO for the first 3 quarters and do $20 or $40 million in Q4"...Yes thewy could...would it matter???

If there is no detailed vision of where we are going and with who it is obvious that we will stay where we are...And I mean what line of business, with who, how many orders we are filling, what Fred's take on it is, hpow much of an in crease we will see next quarter, etc...then the PPS again will stay the same...

I love the company too and hope it succeeds, but we need to be realistic...The only thing that is real is the PPS and it shows what the investors think...not you or this Agora board!

Now you know why I lurk...

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