Message: What Growth Cycle ? DABOSS

I suppose we need to establish the timeframe for a growth cycle.

The market looks at the Q to Q as well as the Year to Year.

I posted this a couple days ago, fiscal year data of product sales and service for the Fiscal Year report....................

I think one must look at the IFE fiscal year revenue on a quarterly basis to provide a realistic analysis of the market segment.

Period Prod Service Patent Total

1st Quar 234k 143k 0 378k

2nd Quar 2k 173k 1600k 1774k

3rd Quar 120k 136k 3650k 3906k

4th Quar 6k 127k 4865k 4997k

Tot Year 362k 578k 10115k 11156k

New product sales have been minimal 2 of the last 3 quarters. Service revenue has slowly gone downward and show no signs of improving.

The first quarter accounted for almost 40% of the fiscal year as shown above.

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