Message: OT: And this is what EDIG--Pro
Aug 12, 2009 03:32PM
Aug 12, 2009 10:01PM
Aug 13, 2009 10:30AM

Aug 13, 2009 10:39AM
Aug 13, 2009 01:31PM

Aug 13, 2009 01:57PM

"How may offices will that happen to?..... In how many different business disciplines shrinking how much roof? The Internet and Digitaldepot are killers....we're"

Wasn't easy to let employees go, but it is getting increasingly harder to keep medical practice doors open. We run a very tight operation (no pun intended), and despite that we LOSE MONEY treating Medicare patients while also prividing free care to the uninsured. We are full providers in Medicare because the patients deserve this care, but understand that we do it purely as a SERVICE to our community.

Specialty care physicians are disappearing at an alarming rate. Training (Fellowships) in the various subspecialties of orthopaedic surgery are decreasing well in advance of what is happening in Washington. I am hearing the same thing about cardiac surgery and others. Enormous debt is incurred to train for 6-8 years post medical school. There are 60+ spots nationally for pediatric orthopedic surgery that have filled until very recently. Filled spots in 2009 were THREE. Our grandchildren are going to be walking around with clubbed feet and untreated scoliosis.

Sorry about the OT post. No need to call me out on it as no more time to spend here for quite some time.


Aug 14, 2009 02:26AM
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