Message: RE: So, SGE1; assuming doni and Sky are right!?...Gil...

RE: So, SGE1; assuming doni and Sky are right!?...Gil...

posted on May 23, 2005 11:49PM
Not really meaning to be argumentative, but you`re saying things that make no sense....and I`m getting confused (my brain hurts!).

First you say that you intentionally pose ``dumb`` questions. Is that supposed to mean that you agree with things things I`ve pointed out? I mean, you say that you`ve read the PRs (and therefore should agree with my take), but posted different (i.e., absolutely wrong) information for discussion. Ouch - brain hurt more! LOL

Now look to your apparent paste of the May 17 PR. Why did you alter it? In the real PR, it says ``...$1.8 million in orders....``. In your version it says ``...$1.2 million in orders....``. Brain hurt even more!

You then say: ``So, as to the question of how much money the company has garnered to May, 17, 2005? The answer is ``MORE THAN $1.8 Million``...``. I`ll buy that. It`s real simple really. On May 3 they said they had over $1.2M, On May 17 they say they got an order for $635K, resulting in over $1.8M. 12 + 6 = 18. I get it! Brain feel a little better! But why did you feel compelled.... That pain is back!

My take on the digEplayer/digEsystem controversy is that a proto-type digEsystem exists (in some form for over six months). Maybe not with all the recently addressed bells and whistles, but a solid embedded/installed platform exists. I`m thinking the hold up may have more to do with availability of true prospective customer aircraft that already have, or are willing to pay for, the necessary connectivity to make it all work (a la Connexion, or that other one still in test/FAA approval process). But I regress... I think these newly ordered devices are simply digEplayers with ethernet to enable credit card swipe capability. Adding that feature alone, with the former approach to device handling (fairly labor intensive and time consuming), could have created a logistical nightmare. With ethernet they can easily retrieve the necessary info for transmittal for payment daily. And the ethernet approach may ease content updating (which, by comparison, can`t be that big a logistical problem when updates only happen periodically at best).

It`s late, brain gone numb!


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