Message: Fun with Numbers


It really is not a matter of "expecatations". THINK!? MAN?...

Ask your self, why would DM file a law suit against a BIG FISH LIKE SAMSUNG; stay with it for well over a year; get it to within months of getting a MARKMAN RULING; and than force his client settle for one 1/1000 of the DAMAGES he can put on a blackboard?...

It not only does not make any sence, it is down right silly. DM will be the laughing stock of the profession...

Letsgojoe is the closest to the actual REALTY of this case, and barring a "BUY OUT" by SAMSUNG I am convinced that any "Settlement" with SAMSUNG for money only shall be much, much bigger than was originally suggested by Sinkman yesterday to be 1/1000th of the $5 Billion in infringments...

As I said yesterday, assuming the existence of $5 Billion infringing products, a $5 Million "Settlement" will make DM look like a bunch of little nit-wits fresh from law school who had no idea about what they were doing when they filed their law suit naming SAMSUNG as a defendant, and when they got close to Markman Ruling, gave up and took their share of $2.5 million to cover their costs so far!?...

From what we know of DM so far here is no justification for thinking that DM is that "Green behind their collective ears", and I see t as an insult to their collective intelligence and in the same class of them becoming scared of teh "Rabbits Out of the Bags" thrown at them by Samsung counsel...Lol...Lol...

We will see in few more weeks...

Good Luck to all...


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