Message: Re: F & R to close Austin Office/DISCHINO I WILL MAKE YOUR DAY...
Sep 01, 2009 12:30PM

Go to SILVERSURFER'S BOX NET, where he stores all the PACER FILINGS...

In the section relating to SAMSUNG filings, click on the 6th one down his listing clolumn...

You will see FISH & RICHARDSON's name listed as attorneys of record for Samsung...

Now, as yourself, can this be part of th"DETAILS" they are working out?...

Here is one possible, mind you I said "Possible" scenario...

Economy is BAD, the FIRM has lost a lot of billable hours in the other parts of the practice such as contracts, construction, business, etc. The IP group is supporting the rest of "dead weights" and are grumbling...

In comes in one of their, (IP people's), major client and has made an offer to buy out EDIG and has to decide who will respresent them in future cases left of the 174 identified thus far...

They are working out with DM as they have a stake in the outcome of said decision, since they have a lien on EDIG Patents...

SAMSUNG really could care less, but wants the DEAL to go through...

FISH IP people talk with DM and work out a plan of leaving Fish and joining up with DM to continue representing SAMSUNG+EDIG, and everyone is happy...

What do you think?...


Sep 01, 2009 08:38PM
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