Message: Time and Sales - Monday 9/14/2009 Vol 2,107,987

Re: Time and Sales - What we have learned today

posted on Sep 15, 2009 09:26AM

trillium is on most days away from a computer during work hours.

I would answer that with the economy starting to pick up and with a potential new evu on its way, (Not to mention the positive spin the court ruling should give us within the IFE community) we have a good chance of the IFE business picking up.

As you have so honestly posted in the past(correct me if I am wrong), a lack of capital (or cash) has kept e.Digital out of some non-IFE markets. With Samsung getting ready to write us what we hope will be our biggest check ever, we might have the funds to aggressively go after some new markets.

New markets could bring new sales, and new ongoing service revenue.

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