Bill, agree on all points, but feel inclined to note this. That little glimmer on the horizon that kinda makes you wonder if you might need to put on your sunglasses in a bit, that little bubbling noise you hear that makes you think there's a little stream ahead, or maybe it's a big a$$ waterfall a good bit further on, that elusive puff of fragrance that was there a moment ago and then gone, but not gone, might be some babe with too much air freshener and then again it might be the first scent of a whole mountainside of blooming honeysuckle ...
... that's the co-mingling of the misery of our history with possibilities of our future. More specifically, it's the concurrence of the closure of this sad chapter with the opening of the new one that makes one wonder ... was this ending in Utah really the beginning in San Diego?
Digecor shot down and suddenly after a VERY long winter the Spring flower of an eVu sale blooms, albeit with the thorns you noted ... let's see how blue I turn as I hold my breath on this one. I'll take another breath at the next sale announcement.