Message: E.DIGITAL CORPORATION NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS do realize there is a difference between FlashPlayer, a multi media software application....and flash memory hardware?

In any event, the verbiage below signifies portability on a wide variety of device platforms where store memory as well as primary memory have to be a consideration.

"having the full Flash Player on portable devices will make it easier to create "write once, run anywhere" software. In other words, a developer's application should automatically work on a wide variety of devices without requiring new code. In contrast, many applications today often have to be rewritten for each mobile device the developer wants to support."

e.Digital brings portability to any file type needing a serial memory interface having complete utility while managing I/O directly out of cheap store memory.

I wounder if e.Digital is pursuing any developer considerations of this type?

Portability size fits all.


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