Message: trillium7

Re: trillium7

in response to by
posted on Oct 16, 2009 09:56AM
Here is Trillium's 1st post as Trillium7.
If it means anything, I know this guy and he's the salt of the earth. Let's just reinstate the Trillium name and move all of the '7' posts over to Trillium. That's the right thing to do.
posted on Sep 10, 09 07:49AM

Aka Trillium here. Been having a problem with the password to my old moniker so for the time being I'm trillium7.

Just applying some logic here. My gut suggests that the Digicor ruling has to proceed a Samsung settlement if the Samsung settlement is indeed a buy out and not just a settlement. I've been following the discussion for a while now and have concluded that Samsung would not attempt to buy out eDigital with a litigation hanging over us. I think the only way Samsung would make a buy out offer is to have this litigation put to rest.

There is a certain logic to the notion that Samsung is considering a buy out. Duane Morris seems overdue announcing additional infringers, a tactic that would make sense if Samsung were intending to acquire eDigital. There are probably other reasons DM might be delaying the announcement of additional infringers but it does make sense that if Samsung were about to buy out EDIG, they would be negotiating their own agenda with Duane Morris.

I also think it's in Samsungs best interest to buy us out. It appears that Samsung has willfully infringed on eDigitals patents on multiple handheld devices, cell phones, camaras and music players. My guess is the settlement could be in the $50M range if brought to trial perhaps more with triple damages at stake given the willfull nature of the infringement. With about 174 prospective infringers still outstanding and aproximately 1300 individual products identified as suspect, Samsung could capitalize on our patents and transform them into a cash cow of their own. Their prowess as a major league manufacturer and player in the industry could easily multiply the potential infringment potential of our patents if they actually owned them.

Having said that, I just don't think a buy out will happen with the Digecor ruling outstanding. The 18th could come and go with no actual Samsung settlement, only a request for an extention; kicking the can down the road.

I know some of this has been discussed in the past but I've been away for some of the summer and busy as well so haven't been totally enguaged. Hope this doesn't resurrect a debate thats already been put to rest.


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