Message: My SHM notes....

Very nice recap of the meeting. It was a pleasure meeting you today!

The meeting went well and the main point that stuck with me was the fact that one year ago we ended the year losing over $ 1,500,000 (I didn't write down the exact amount) AND we owed over $ 1,300,000. This year we ended with over $ 3,200,000 in the black and WE ARE DEBT FREE!!

This is a FIRST in the history of EDIG.

So if you take a direct proportion of how we stood last year with the pps at .09 and the lossess and financial obligations of the company and relate this to this year in the black over $ 3mil and debt free AND a pps of .16, this DOES NOT COMPUTE!

Maybe Robert P can do a good job as the PR lead person as he stated, but when is he going to start???

Looking at these financial differences from last year to this year, they should have propelled the pps to near a buck and NOT .16.

We'll see how Robert P does in the near future. He was very enthusiastic and very positive; hopefully he will bring this great story out to the investment community.

My views on the eVU. I saw this as a very limited market that should be changed to include many other markets, BUT really watch where this market is going. This device can easily be outdated by the always coming new technologies.

I would hate to spend the settlement money into a device that will not make a positive impact to the bottom line, but deplete our hard earned litigation and licensing funds.

Robert P did say that the new 19 infringers will be handled on amuch faster track and also said that companies are actually calling EDIG in order to get licensed. Robert explained that they are now realizing that it is really not worth spending litigation money when in the end they will lose and pay anyway.

It was a very good meeting basically reporting good results and wonderful things going forward especially with the licensing efforts.

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