Message: This is just getting stupid

Good morning COMBA...

You said:...

"As far as what people say here or other boards, EDIG has turned a 180 since late 2000 and I'm ready for my long awaited reward as is everyone, and WE WILL GET THERE."...

I agree with your assessment. Some here just look at the pps as the ONLY measure of EDIG success, and to them nothing else matters...

This is not reasonable. In a market governed by the world wide collapse of the Financial Institutions this is unreasonable...

For example, take this morning's attempt by CITI Bank to raise 20 Billion to buy back their Freedom from TARP and Government restrictions. In the first hour more than two billion shares were traded with the stock on a dowrarsd spiral...

Arent we lucky we are in EDIG where there is only $.05 cents drop?...

Some people here focus on the pps only, and consider it to be the singular measure of whether EDIG has "Turned around". To them the turn around has been 360 degrees and EDIG is in the same shape as it was in the Collier years when they worried about keeping the light on. They refuse to accept that EDIG has improved, and when the dust settles a lot more people besides "US CHICKENS", ( Who are saturated with EIG shares), will be buying it shares. That is when the pps will come to play...

Until then, one has to swallow hard, and grind their teeth, waiting till this snow ball DM is pushing down the hill gains momentum and become the avalanche that is need for EDIG to get away from the clutches of the MMS and make everyone here as rich as their greed desires...

Good luck to all and I hope all of you a merry Christmas and wish that everyone shows more tollerance to others and refrain from using the RED FLAG scissors as I do...


PS: Strider and I picked up our Christmass gift, a NISSAN CREW CAB 4 X4 FRONTIER PICK UP truck yesterday, and will be going trucking in the snow...

His air conditioned dog house has to wait for EDIG coming through in 2010...

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