Message: PACER

You are welcome...Besides, any friend of Joe is a friend of mine. He is a very "Balanced" and dominant force on this board and we all appriciate him greatly...

I recall my Statistics professor at Berkely starting the Class with the comment that "Numbers don't lie, but people do."... Since then, (some fourty years ago), I have always made that the guiding priciple of any important decisions I had to make...

EDIG of today is just breaking water not because it is an unkown start up company. If you googled Norris, its founder you will see that he was a brilliant mind of the Silicon Valley with ideas that were way ahead of the times. By the time he left the Bay Area, he had a packet of Patents enabling him to start at several companies i late 1980's and early 1990's...

EDIG was always his favorite as it embodied the concepts of utilization of FALSH memory for transmission of all sorts of data at the almost the speead of light. If you got into this stock by the end of 1990's you should know that EDIG was one of the 5 principles of Tech Giants who formed a committee to usher the FLASH ERA in computing and Internet fields...

It was during the few months post CES 2000 that EDIG stock sky rocketed to $24.50...

Understanding this History is a crucial adjunct to the "NUMBERS" that appeared in my last post. For during the ten years interval which saw the Bust of the Tech Ballon kin 2000, and the crash of the ficancial markets in 2007-8, EDIG has succeede to "Survive" and now is set to cash out on its patents...

EDIG has the Patents; they are not like a start-up company waiting to go through BETA testing to prove their Tech. and its application. The FLASH markets are in place and amount in $BILLIONS and ever expanding. Even in this CRASH market the widgets utilizing FLASH are making major part of the earning of corporate giants like APPLE, Samsung, Panasonic, Sony, etc...

I firmly believe that EDIG's time has arrived, and the EDIG of 2012 shall be a far different company than what we see today...

It is "Collection Time" for EDIG, and it souldn't take more than couple of years before todays picture has changed drastically. With the main problem being the shake down that is taking place in Wall Street...

Either way, you can be assured that you are buying EDIG shares at their lowest and the numbers reflect growth of the pps from this point onward...

Good Luck to you...


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