Message: question for the more informed

IMO It comes down to itiology - if theirs stems from ours it's always been superior and proof lies in the fact that it was the first OS for a PMP to be acceped by the major movie studios; and now in its exceptional ability to handle battery-maint-functions plus its ability to incorporate all forms of storage and encription techniques if needed; its many other atribs also such as better than DVD quality, turn-key, etc. And don't forget the pending patent seems to be an encription set to block all other OSs from accessing our desired content.

Does Archos do what eVU does energy-wise/app-wise - no, n they're the premier PMP out there.

As for cellphones - well we'll just have to waint n see how/if they'r looping between two flash-cache buffers to omit ram.



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