Message: Re: Google, Apple spar in high-tech heavyweight battle - NEXUS ONE !...DEAN...

This response to KIRK was the closest RP has come to ouright disclose the PLAN to us YOKELS, who keep whining about 10 years of Chinese Torture this investment has become...

The statement you quote is very significant, and it amounts to his saying "Listen Kids, here is what we are trying to do"...

"EDIG was almost in the Bankruptcy Court in the middle of last decade when we tried to sell widgets through Comp USA on consignment. Then WE went back to our original Business Plan, which was survival mode till we could find some Law Firm to take up our case, as it became clear that although many OEMS made promises of "Hitting the Ball Out of the Park" with EDIG, there were not that many who took up the Bat and stepped up to Plate...

In addition our efforts to create a Niche in the Airline Industry via digEplayer were hijacked by a greedy BOW who got us tied up in litigation for the last part of the last decade...

Now We are debt free, have money in the bank, and our IP monetization is getting traction on its second leg through the recent filings against 19 defendants by DM. ".

RP is waiting for the rate of "Settlements" to increase this coming year to a point they can present a picture, to the FINANCIAL iNSTITUTIONS of a company that has (1) No debt; (2) has $100 million in the Bank; (3) has funds to and is pursuing law suits against Giants like Apple. Etc., with high probability of significant income from those law suits, (4) and has a robust and growing revenue stream from Royalties, and and an ever growing markets for its eVU, and other products that are being developed based on EDIG Tech. and various cross licensing acquired through "Settlements"...

And remmember, if EDIG has a $100 million in the Bank so doe DM, who can use those funds to advance the costs of Law Suits all the Way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which has been the PLAN by DM since day one of their signing on as lawyers for EDIG...

The only question of interest to this Group is "HOW LONG" will it take for all the pieces to be in place before RP can impliment his PLAN of making presentations to Financial Institutions?...

My guess, the rate is going to speed up, and we should be there within couple of years...

Good Luck to all...


Jan 06, 2010 12:02PM
Jan 06, 2010 01:18PM
Jan 06, 2010 01:22PM
Jan 06, 2010 01:35PM
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