Message: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Dis, Coyote and all:

In the interest of full disclosure, the post I am replying to referencing ARCA's ASK was me... coyote got it right... 'ekal' is 'lake' backwards... I was not on a computer I trusted earlier and did not want to potentially compromise my 'real' account by logging in on a public computer.

'ekal' is the only other account I have now on Agora, and I won't be conversing with 'myself', (I never did before and won't start now) I just wanted to point this out. I get the chance to scan the messages throughout the day, but did not want to post unless something really exrtraordinary occured.... while the pps is not extraordinary today, ARCA's ASK really stood out.

The ASK by ARCA at 15.00 stood was a real surprise as ARCA usually has an overabundance of shares to offer at the top of what the mms want to keep as a trading range.... their offer size usually is five times what the other mms advertise.

This could be nothing (like my last observation of the 1000.17 offer price turned out to be in December) but it does say to the rest of the mms that ARCA did not want to sell a share below $15.00 today, unlike their typical offer 2-3 cents above the day's trading range.

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