Message: kid -

"will soon begin to charge internet connections as well based off of usage probably beginning with their wireless/wifi end of the business."

They can see usage on their end....when I allow ie...200 people a day to run through my matter what their connection...wireless or wire.....they're going to be looking to charge for the over usage. they are letting things slide for now...but the day is coming as you suggest.

"Of course the work around for the time being is your standard linksys/cisco router but it will be temporary...'

I would agree with that.

Thing is, in my area at this time, there's a war between Verizon and Comcast....that will be going on for some time. As long as that competition is there it keeps them in snail mail count per week of each of them is unbelievable.

Verizon has a campaign hitting my mail box 4 days out of every week, Comcast has 2 or 3. As long as that keeps up, IMO, based off of usage charges are held least until Verizon and Comcast come to terms....

As it looks now, they're trying to kill each other.


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