Message: Re: Interesting the biases and favoritism/murgirl.....
Feb 18, 2010 06:43PM
Feb 18, 2010 06:47PM
Feb 18, 2010 06:48PM
Feb 18, 2010 06:49PM
Feb 21, 2010 07:00PM

I read your posts, sometimes, when they are not that long and are on the "Subject", namely informative about EDIG...

What is offends my sensebilitiesl is your penchant to, ( more often than not), make it about "You", or or some other personalities...

sman998 is an asset to this Board, and may be he got 15 thumbs up because of the way he presents his research, on topic that is being discussed.

Pray tell what contribution do you think your post made today, besides shifting the discussion onto "personalities", and away from EDIG...

Here we had a nice discussion about what is happening as between DM and defendants, and you come along with your prolix post complaining about something, and BAM shifting the discussion from the issue at hand...

Please, please, understand that I like what DD you present when it is on topic. And I hope you will stay away from I said, he said, social club type of gossip...

There is no plus, anyway you look at it, in writing your long posts only to highlight who got how many thumbs up...

Good luck and keep on "trucking" as th expression goes...


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