Message: New Verbage In This PR

The only thing I can say, get your PTSC buddy and do your own collective research and we can compare notes.

Perhaps we'll come to a better conclusion of "what is".

If you come to something and need an opinion, I'm right here.

For the most part it's all self explanatory.....all you have to do is compare it to status quo, which to some degree, they explain as well.

The detailing on this board where not only about e.Digital offerings, but what was happening to the industry in the way of memory offerings and, what was considered to happen at that level. From HDD vs. trapped electron, battery backed RAM, NOR vs NAND, addressing LBA / CHS and translation ,,,,,etc...we've covered it all.

You're late here and getting up to speed will not happen by my being regularly detailed for your benefit....When I comment, it's to people that have been here a while and have grasped bits and pieces of my considerations along the way.

It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing....and as a group we have been putting it together.....nomenclature and beyond.


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