Message: An opinion, Banning needs to go back to Agora

An opinion, Banning needs to go back to Agora

posted on Apr 05, 2010 12:14AM

Since it seems like many like to put their two cents in, I'll do it as well.

I don't think any Hub Leader should be able to ban any member. Too many personality's come into effect.

Let anyone report the post as a violation and issue warnings. If you think it is needed for Agora to look at banning an inidividual let them make the decision.

I see too much crap on the board about how certain individuals are treated versus others.

When I view specific members posts that are always looked at as a violation, I see the same individual reporting the post, if that is not a personal conflict, then what is it.

And if any of you have worked in a multi billion dollar business and never said anything against management or complained about some of the decisions, then give it some more thought about when and what a member is trying to say, after all that member is as much of an owner as you are.

I can't believe all of the negative comments about certain members.

It's why I stayed away so long, I thought the board finally would listen to all opinions without bias. Guess I'm wrong.

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