Message: Disclaimer -

When Robert attaches his disclaimer to his emails IMVHO they are intended for the emails he does with e.Digital business transactions with over www ie.. like those mentioned per the DigEcor suit; emails between e.Digital and its on-going working relationships. If one of these was to innadvertantly get sent to the wrong sender they would be subject to this:

''This communication may contain information that is confidential in nature, unauthorized use or disclosure is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, kindly reply or call at the number above to alert us. Afterward, please delete this communication in its entirety.''

However, IMO he cannot and would not share information with a shareholder that would not be allowed so I'm going to post my questions/answers I've been getting over last several weeks.

They're pretty subjective, but some are pretty revealing in my opinion... I'll be out till this evening but feel free to ask my interpretation of his answers.



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