Message: RE: wireless gambling/Digi-holdem

Guess it's now about 5 1/2 years since my last post and 16.75 years since my initial purchase in Apr. 1994 of Norris Communications, (pre-cursor stock name of e-Digital). Would like to believe the flashback voice recorder I showed at a board meeting in 1995 or thereabouts could someday be found in a museum as the first product using flash memory with editing and playback capabilities as well as being the creation by a company currently well entrenched as a key patent holder of products in major use today.

Patience as well as buying at the right price are the two major keys to profit in securities investing. Those who are still stockholders have more than exercised patience. If one bought at the right price and the rulings in the MH are favorable in allowing us to pursue infringers, DM's lawyering skills and their ability to identify and negotiate could provide us with an earnings stream that places a new set of responsibilities on management.


Of course every management team has this mandate, and if revenue is exceedingly large, new blood should be considered to capitalize on this windfall. Judge krieger may be the most important figure in this company's future and may only be second in importance to its founder, Woody Norris, in what we all hope to be a very successful future.

I hope all investors in eDig will be rewarded for their patience, persistence, and loyalty in their decision to own this company. The teamwork and collective efforts of forum members in updating all who use this forum have been phenomenal.

In the past there have been some here and many on other forums who've taken exception to opinions, comments, and interpretations of members' postings. They have often voiced their doubts, criticisms, arrogance, and at times libelous pronouncments directed at management and posters on this forum. IMO, their style and tone of commentary suggest a large degree of both individual and group dysfunction. It is perhaps best identified by their needs to attack any positive attribute of the company or its management and shareholders while being unwilling to hold zero shares on the "off chance" 'just in case' the company may succeed.

Good luck to all and best wishes for a successful ruling and recognition by the industry

of the value of our patents.

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