Message: Calendar year update

Here is the translation of the quotes from the management which you posted into PLAIN ENGLISH from the usual RP SPEAK...Lol...Lol...

(1) “With many more prospective licensees of our fundamental IP beyond this second round, we are leveraging the knowledge and experience gained in our initial enforcement actions to raise the bar on our licensing terms and to streamline, accelerate and maximize our IP licensing activities.”


In Round (I), (the low hangging Fruit), we got 7 out f 8 settlements and one Bankrutcy attempt at evading liability which are still in round two as SAKAR...

In Round (II) we have 3 of 19 who have settled and are confident of the results for the rest, including the Markman Hearing which we expect to win no later than August and September of this year...

In Round (III), based on what we have learned fron the first two rounds, and the fact we expect to have a Favorable Markman Ruling in our hands from the Colorado Federal Court, we will be (1) RAISING THE BAR, and (2) we will file a complaint naming some 30+ defendants together with 150-200 DOES. And with our FAVORABLE MARKMAN RULING IN HAND we will stream line, accelerate and maximize our IP licensing activities ( by filing many ARTICLE III Motions for DECLARATORY RELIEF against defendants...

In addition, the company has eVU trials going on with airline. And they believes that " these trials and other marketing efforts could result in significant eVU orders.”...

And all these things will be taking palce in the 65.20548% of the time left of this year...

Wow, this sounds like the Blow Out year we have been waiting for in the past 11 years, and sounds to me quite attaiable.



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