Message: In my perfect penny stock world...

In my perfect penny stock world...

There would be nothing better than to wake up one morning and see EDIG's shareprice @ $10.00 or more with hundreds of settlements under their belt and 100's of millions of cash in hand. I would have sold all of my shares by then and would be sitting pretty for the rest of my natural born days. But, sadly enough, it is not this morning. It may be tomorrow, or next month, or next year, or it may never come. I'm just not privy to future EDIG stock events. The STOCK GODS have not blessed me with this insight. (The BASTARDS)... But, needless to say, I invested in EDIG any way.

But why take the fun out of it by knowing future events or miss the THE DRAMA OF STOCK FORUM BICKERING. If we all knew this stock was a sure thing and going to 10 bucks a share or more, we would not be having all the fun we're having now. The snarling, the nailbiting, the bickering, the cussing...oh the cussing... the feuding, the unfairness of it all....

BTW, I did know this was going to be a very tough fight from the moment D.M. decided to take us under their wing. I knew the MM's were going to take full advantage of the low volume trading. They always do. It's a given in the OTCBB world. I did not buy this stock blindly. I've been buying OTCBB's for over 15 years. I knew this was a high risk venture every time I bought shares. I bought them with my own hard earned money. I've bought shares all the way down to .084 and I'm hoping this is very close to the bottom.

But, alas, this is not my perfect penny stock world... sigh... but this is the world I chose, when I bought this stock. So far, I'm happy with the prospects of this stock. It still has great my opinion. I'm HOLDING.


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