Message: Gil, Jef, SS, anyone? Tell me this:
  1. TX 7 settled, one time fee, licensed, most all did a XLA.
  2. 3 of the CO 19 settled ditto, with varying terms, to include 2 of 3 opting for a royalty bearing agreement, for what ever reason?
  3. 16 of 19 in round 2, remain putting up a "fight" or "front"?

Were these 10 claimed infringers just plain stupid, and chose to get out from under the legal mess and pay out millions to make us go away, or did they see the hand writing on the wall, feeling the patents could stand the test in court, and opted out before the price went up? Why did they cave? Got out cheap while they could? Did they understand they stoled our IP and wanted this behind them?

So, now we have 16 getting hammered by the court, losing major parts/pieces of the process, and at what point do the "lines cross" where the companies feel..."OK, you lawyers have put up a good fight, probably kept the damages in check, but now we are faced with more billable hours and may lose the farm as well, so cut us a deal."

The squeeze is forthcoming IMO.

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