Re: Is EDIG known?...Murph...
in response to
posted on
Sep 21, 2010 10:14AM
No wonder EDIG is goin no wheres. With a salesman like you who needs and enemy...Lol...Lol...
Next time you are asked what EDIG does at least google the word EDIG and look up some facts about the company you can talk about like...
1) Almost 15 years ago EDIG hit the Tech. scene with several patents which helped usher the era of Digital transmision of data.
2) Along with half a dozen BIGGEES of Technology world, such as I.B.M, INTEL, MICROSOFT, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS and the likes they formed a group that embarked on spreading the news that PRODUCTS could be developed which through utilization of FLASH memory large chuck of data could be transmitted almost at the speed of light elemininating the need for bulky and cumbersome hardware.
3) By CES 2000 they were the talk of the town. Gates went of Larry King talkng of the future of technology holding up a "Puck" produced using EDIG TECH, and was the forerunner of todays MP3s.
4) INTEL put 3 of its vice pesidents on EDIG board, and Texas Instrments started makg chips that carried a "kernel" of EDIG tech and were sold and EDIG srock rocketed 5000% to $24.50...
5) And then there was the crash of the Tech Bubble in March2000. In the ensuing years although EDIG survived, produced several PROTYPE FIRSTS using their Tech which one instry AWARDS, they were never able tomarket their products either retain or to OEMS whowould make the widgets and sell them to public giving EDIG piece of the action, a la QUALCOM and the cell phone industry.
6) 3-4 years ago EDIG hired thee best attorneys in the field and has embarked on infringment law suits agains some 174 comapnies they have identified as infringing on their patents. To date they have settlements with a dozen or so companies, and have been successful in moving a last suit against 16 others filed in Federal Court in Colorado.
7.) The law suit is set for a MARKMAN HEARING on January 28, 2011. This is a big event in that if EDIG gets a Favorable Ruling it opens the door to big settlements of Jury AWARDS against the remainig 150+ remaining infringing defendants identified by EDIG rettained experts with a potential recovery in the several hunred millions in their coffers...
I am sure you DD will add several more sections to this list, but I hope this helps...Lol...