Message: Apple...APPL....

Here is the completed version of the post that got away first time.


I was wondering just the other day what had happened to you?!...


You ask:...

"Does anyone have information to indicate that Apple is in the cross hairs of DM?"...

That is an intelligent and relevant question. The operting word being "Indicate"...

I am at this moment awaiting a Decision on the meaning of he word "Indicate". It wil make a $1.7 million difference in the amount of judgment due my client. So I know a great deal about what "indicate" means, or should mean.

Indicate means "to show, to point to".

If you take a walk in the North Truckee River Meadow,(a vast expance of of bushes, flowers, surrounde by Mountains and inundated with creeks and marshes ending in the river that ends in Lake Tahoe), and if youcome across big pile of animal excrents, steaming and at least a foot in diameter, with a distinct foot print of a bear, then you had better conclude you will find a Bear just ahead of you and change course accordingly, because those FACTS would indicate the existence of a BEAR ahead.

998Observer asked me a specific question. Responding to it I gave my opinion that EDIG could not sue Portal Player that, and what would the legal issues be in a law suit against AAPL. (read my post addressed to 998 Obserever, posted yesterday.).

The usual pundits, (whom I usually ignore), came out of their closets swinging, demanding "Proof" that DM is planning to sue AAPL?...

IMO it is a given that AAPL shall be a target in a law suit by EDIG.

The facts "Indicate" this shall happen because Nanully expects this, EDIG expepects this, DM expect this, and AAPL expects this.



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