Message: Has anyone come to any conclusion on edig new patent....

"excel beyond existing NAND capabilities."

It's not a matter of getting beyond NAND...

The game is.. what is the cheapest to implement?....NAND is cheaper to produce and gain density.

It wasn't too long ago that NOR was king because it was versatile..

NAND write speeds have increased and the industry has made an about face.'s because the industry is implementing serialized methods performed in similar fashion as e.Digital.

The main ingredient is this....

"In addition to the Norris FlashFile System, the Flashback core software and microcontroller A single chip that contains the processor (the CPU), non-volatile memory for the program (ROM or flash), volatile memory for input and output (RAM), a clock and an I/O control unit. are being licensed. The core code that drives the Flashback recorder is highly configurable and flexible, giving licensees many options in adjusting the hardware and software to fit their needs. Not only is the Flashback core system capable of supporting extended recording time (5, 10, and even 19+ hours), its feature set includes editing capability, variable speed playback without changing voice pitch, and other sophisticated data management and manipulation functions."

The bold above is in everyone's way when it comes to serialized matter how sophicated the software...or format.

IMO...the bold is partly the reason for the now flourishing NAND issues.

This alone will be very important for SSD's...


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