Message: RE: 40,000 ``No`` votes on all 4 proposals

RE: 40,000 ``No`` votes on all 4 proposals

posted on Jul 20, 2005 02:55PM
``I hope I am wrong, but the financial pain and mental anguish of reading all the idiot remarks on RagingBull over the last 5 years has gone on long enough. I just don`t really care what happens anymore. Good luck to all of you who intend to remain invested.``

So let`s vote NO, sink this ship ourselves, but ``good luck to all``!

If every listed public company that carried debt and was losing money disappeared, the markets would look very different. I understand having been invested in the same window as you that this has been frustrating, but cutting off ones nose to spite ones face is counterproductive, to say the least.

Let`s not lose our heads just a couple of weeks prior to the annual meeting, unless, ofcourse, one`s goal is to see everyone go down.(which is clearly the goal of a handful of scumbags on the aforementioned cesspool)

I have seen amazing market turnarounds on a single announcement. This is just another struggling company looking for that right set of circumstances to succeed.

What`s with the two week wait? Atul has been President/CEO for just one year and this is his first opportunity to address the shareholders and present his case.

He has not been party to any previous board decisions and, imo, should not be held accountable until given his chance to set this ship oncourse. As things appear today, in real time, he has some nice opportunities looking near term.

My shares vote YES !

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