Message: Re: emit
Oct 16, 2010 01:12PM

Hello All – It’s my first day up and I’m feeling much better. Hopefully this 4th surgery will keep me off the antibiotics which were going to eventually create a super-bug in me.

98-0bserver, I believe it was Intel that pulled-out not IBM; we had that big multimillion dollar mp3 player agreement of sorts set up with Eastech in Asia to build them, but they got cold-feet. I think I might still have that writ-up in one of my old Industry Synopsis’s’ but IBM got into our box of tricks thru microdrive probably. I’m just catching up and like the prospects of that Samsung multilayered cell NAND I scanned.

Thnx Dischino for keeping the board abreast, I am doing better - but really only meant for ya to bring it up if I didn’t make-it through it; but that’s okay my friend but probably shouda been done on OT board. I know and have a deep sympathy for all those edigers that have passed and have loved-ones who’ve’ passed; and know there are many with growing concerns because of their age, wondering if e.Digital is ever going to become the cash-cow we all know it has the potential to be; I know Lake and probably many others have been-in surgeries recently. A big-ol Heartfelt Thank-you to all of you who expressed your concern – I ended up in ICU for 8 days for this same surgery in 2008 due to my blood-pressure.

After my accident at seventeen, 30 years of being a quadriplegic has taken its toll on my heart. I drive my own van, feed-myself, brush my own teeth, shave, exercise 30 minutes mornings, play/pet/rub on my dogs as much as possible all without the use of my fingers; and I even sing to keep my lungs strong and yet on check-in pre-op my blood pressure was 73 over 56 n they were questioning weather to do it. Somehow they did decide it was worth the risk with my consent. In post-op I woke-up to my nurse saying, ‘’there a lady over here who thinks you’re quite-an-attractive guy’’ my response was, ‘’Is she on FaceBook’’ lol, my BP was 91 over 73 but it kept fluxuating lower two nights in the hospital.

I have to stay away from salt due my feet swelling up, but think I’ll start eating some and exercising even more because I want to be here to see how this adventure turns-out and there’s soo much more in life also – heck I’m only 48. I think Jaclyn the sexy 29yr-old brunette I just hired for morning shift might also have something to do with it, lol – we just got back from Long-John-Silvers.

Anyway, luv you guys/gals and I just sent another question into PR late Friday.



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