Message: Is Nunnaly pwereed by EDIG inside?

Wheres that damn sticker i been waiting for on all OEM stuff. Maybe Nunally is getting the EDIG inside sticker. Well all is quiet on the EDIG front as we wait Edigday(markman). All this waiting you would think i would have some patience in life. Only been following this since 01. Getting close to "Ten years gone by" isnt that a zeppeln song. Well my song does remain the same. ha.

Anyhow i have not posted in a while, and glad topics have changed off law firm rankings as they really in my mind mean nothing. So yes, the NUnnaly and new patents products has been quiet. It would be a god send for long term investors if they planned on having blowout PRS after markman.

AHH we are all waiting at $.09

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