Message: Pacer

Forgive me for saying it, but Doni reminds a lot of ALLAN the ENGINEER, my room mate at Berkely, an Electical Engineering student working for his PhD, studing atomic physics with Glen Seaborg and Mazia, both Noble Laurates. He was planning to get his own Noble Prize and make great contributions to quantom physics.

Any time there was a dicussion about any thing he would draw his trusty slide rule out and figure everything to the nth degree. Had no sense of proportionality, and common sense, and of methaphor, or figure of speech!? Loved the guy, but some times he drove you crazy...

After getting his Ph.D., he got married to susie and both went to UC Medical School in San Franciso and became M.D.S... Last I saw them they had opened a radiology clininc close to UC Hospital and were treating patients with radiation. Go figure, how life follows its own path...Lol...Lol...


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