Message: ALVE:...

What follows is lifted from your 1:02 P.M. post of this date:...

"Products using licensed patents was the need....that failed to show.

Initial success will be successful patent litigation...continued & future success will be product licensing"...

Re-read your comments. These are not two different "Business Plans"...They are one and the same. Only the method of achieving the goal has changed...

10-11 years ago was the era of "synergistic growth". And when EDIG hit the scene months before the Tech Bubble crash, everyone, (Big and small) was hugging EDIG closely as they seemed tp have the key to ushering the FLASH era as the next big develpoment in Tech. Industry...

10 years later, EDIG is still trying to have products, ( from Samung tablet, to Nokia cell ohones), use its technology. Only this time it is done nice and legal by forcing he infringers to pay for past use, and like th Samsung case cross-licinse use of EDIG Tech...

In a round about way Michael Milkin did EDIG a great favor by dissiminating his theories of "Take, sell, make a lot of money, and buy your way out one way or another), and giving EDIG on a platter at least 174+ list of infringers, growing daily...

The only question in my mind for the past 10 years has been would EDIG Tech. stand the test of time? And so far DM seems have shown it does...

We will get the true answers some by 12/10, and the rest after the Markman Hearing.



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