posted on
Dec 08, 2010 12:40PM
e.Digital’s Flash-R™ patent portfolio is comprised of FUNDAMENTAL technology related to the use of flash memory in the large and growing portable electronic products market. Per our CEO.
Lets take a moment and look at this word.
Fundamental - (Noun) - A constituent without which a thing or system would not be what it is.
Fundamental - (Adjective) - A. Serving as a basis supporting EXISTENCE or determining ESSENTIAL FUNCTION
B. Of CENTRAL importance.
What else does a judge need to know? lol
These fundamentals or constituants were created by our company in the early 90's. We passed the checkered flag before the big guys were just getting their Jalopy off the starting line.
I know this is a very low tech post. It's like a home school version of an emit or doni post, but I'm a word guy.