Message: Are we perhaps our worse offenders.

Let me state this from the top. I'm a Edig long and intend to remain till the end. That being said, I noticed the excitement when a court was held and opur people attended and so did the defendents. The comments made before the session led many on this site to get all hyped up and enthused about our chances of finally breaking the 10 cent barrier only to see it slump back again because the MM's are toying with us.

We need to understand that the results of what will ahppen will be after Markman and even then there can be a fly in the ointment that can further delay "OUR" desired goal.

All we did was excite ourselves with many buying on perhaps false rumors that that court session was going to unleash DM's attack which it did not. Were we dissapointed??? You can bet we were because the PPS did not go up and infact loss ground.

Lets try to stick with what we know for sure and try to base our comments on real information . The new patents, thats great, growth in the eVU , great, other companies brought in for justice for violating EDIG's paterns great. Thats not hype thats truth.

In any event we are all hoping for a bright New Year and thats great also.

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