Message: RE:..Subsidiaries & New Divisions!?/.KIRK, or anyone...


You said:...

"However, It should say e.Digital and EDIG technologies.....and that is my concern"...

That's what I am talking about. The title in any "New Technologies" developed in combination with other technologies any "Partners" bring to the table should remain in "Core EDIG company", which is the one "US" is invested in. And "US" should seek a seat on the table to have a say on any decision that might end up "Giving away" EDIG'S current assets...

Remeber Pear Shaped One who claimed EDIG sold him their Tech for $25,000.00 Dollars?...

For Example, X Company comes to EDIG DIVISION and seeks to extend the battery on widgets they market to 22-25 hours. They have some tech of their own and the two partners develope batteries to run washer and dryers, refrigerators and all sorts of eqipment. The thing becomes huge, and they buy the "division-subsidiary" out right. Everyone makes like "bandit" excepy "US" who get a one time $600.00 Dividend...

Is that O.K. with you?

What is the impact of such transaction on future pps of "Core EDIG company"?, etc.?

Come on Dischino there is no "Headache involved"...As someone aptly said here "just follow the money", and we are about to get a whole lot of that...


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