Message: Hey Eddigers, it's MGURU.......

Thanks to those of you who responded to my recent request for an update (Dean, and others). I have been VERY busy with gold & silver stocks/warrants and the metal itself. Hopefully most here will recall my previous "reccomendations" years ago to get involved. I just don't have the time to follow the digger closely like the good old days. I am excited for the record that once and for all this companies technology will get the main stream attention it has so badly starved for. What is the time frame for a decision on recent trial? Anyone talk to Fred for a "preview" of the future and anything of significance to add? Gladly appreciated to any and all that respond. Also, I'm going to the "OT" board and announce that Agoracom has started a Hub here for me on a gold company I believe could be the best stock pick I have found in a decade (GNMT "only" .04 cents NOW!) and invite you all to take a look at what I "might call" my last HURRAH!!! Good luck to us all here. Now that I'm fully invested in GNMT, I'm going to add even more to my EDIG position on this weakness. Waiting patiently (for 16 years)! Peace, mguru

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